Adult Piano Lessons

About a third of my piano students are adults. Teaching adults is a great joy for me. Many adult piano students introduce themselves to me by expressing some iteration of “I fear I’m too old.” My answer is “Not at all. This instrument is here for you whenever you want it to be.” With adults, as much as with children, my approach is to put the human first, because this is how meaningful progress happens.

I quit piano when I was 17 (I’ll tell you why sometime if you care to know), and I returned to it when I was 31. I found the teacher I wish I had when I first came to the instrument as a child. This teacher made all the difference for me, and suddenly everything opened up.

I don’t care if you’ve never touched an instrument before, or if you have a degree in piano performance and want to keep going. I believe that music, and piano practice and performance, is possible for everyone at any time.

My adult students are welcome to participate (or not, according to your desire) in the regular studio events: recitals, festivals, and exams. More importantly, they are welcome to play for and get to know my other adult students at regular adult piano student nights that I host.

Bottom line: teaching piano to adults is as important to me as teaching children. I’ve seen tremendous growth in my adult students, just as I’ve seen in myself as an adult returning to the piano.  Reach out any time, I look forward to hearing from you.